Your Quickest Route to VBN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Small print made clear. In the FAQ you will find all of the answers to the most common questions to VBN.

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24h Information Service

VBN information service and VBN service center. Your telephone, digital and direct line to the VBN.

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Timetable and price information

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

Timetable and price information

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

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672 results:
451. Video FAQ - How big is the VBN area?  
How big is the VBN area?  
452. Contact  
You can find information about the arbitration centres here.  
453. Dial-Up Transport  
The Dial-A-Shared-Taxi (AST) runs in individual communities in Diepholz, Osterholz, Rotenburg, Verden and Wesermarsch districts. In Cuxhaven District, the Dial-A-Shared-Taxi (AST) is offered more…  
454. SingleTicket  
Tickets Price ShortTripTicketa ###29877### 4x ShortTripTicketb (only available in Bremen and Oldenburg) ###28515### All price information in…  
455. Video FAQ  
Video FAQ Questions and Answers with Pictures and Sound How big is the VBN area? How do I get information about road works, diversions and closures in the VBN area? Where do I get tickets for bus…  
456. Video FAQ - How do I give praise or criticism?  
How do I give praise or criticism?  
457. Video FAQ - Which ticket do I need?  
Which ticket do I need?  
458. Video FAQ - Where do I get tickets for bus and rail?  
Where do I get tickets for bus and rail?  
459. Video FAQ - How do I get information about road works, diversions and closures in the VBN area?  
How do I get information about road works, diversions and closures in the VBN area?  
460. Video FAQ - What is the difference between BOB and MIA?  
What is the difference between BOB and MIA?  
Search results 451 until 460 of 672