Your Quickest Route to VBN

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Small print made clear. In the FAQ you will find all of the answers to the most common questions to VBN.

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24h Information Service

VBN information service and VBN service center. Your telephone, digital and direct line to the VBN.

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

Timetable and price information

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Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.


Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Who, how, what?

We know that local public transport is not always easy. Wherever there are lots of offers, there are lots of questions. We have collected the most frequently asked questions with simple answers for you below.
Alternatively, familiar questions are explained on our Video FAQ page - Take a look!  

Do you have any more questions about the green BOB card?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the green BOB card. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • Is the green BOB card free of charge?

    Yes. A green BOB-card, and any other partner cards, can be applied for and issued, and a BOB account maintained, free of charge.

  • How can I request the green BOB card?

    Online at or in person at the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG customer centres. 

  • Is the green BOB card transferable?

    Yes. The green BOB card is not personalised, and may be passed on to other people. Additional BOB partner cards, e.g. for families, can also be requested at the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG customer centres.

  • ​​​​​​​Can other people travel with me using my green BOB card?

    Yes. Up to 9 adults and 9 children (aged 6 to 14 years inclusive) can also be booked on each green BOB card and any partner card.

  • ​​​​​​​Can I also take bikes with me using the green BOB card?

    Yes. You can book up to two bikes per ride using the green BOB card. Passengers are only allowed to bring a maximum of one bike along with them. 

  • Where does the green BOB card apply?

    BOB is valid in all VBN transport. BOB trips can be booked with the green BOB card at the ticket machines at all stations as well as at the ticket machines in all vehicles of BSAG in Bremen, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG in Oldenburg.

    Further ticket machines for BOB booking with card are available at some BSAG stops in Bremen, at/in the customer center at Bremerhaven’s main station and in Oldenburg in the Lappan customer centre and at the main bus station.

    You can find a map overview here: Booking offices/Ticket machines with BOB
    If the trip has been booked using a machine, the green BOB card may be read by any driver or conductor throughout the entire VBN area. Conversely, however, trips cannot be booked with the crew, but rather only using one of the aforementioned ticket machines!

  • How do I pay with the green BOB card?

    Select ‘Destination’ and ‘Number of passengers’ at one of the BOB machines, insert the green BOB card or hold it in front of the screen, and you’re ready to go. BOB will save your journey and number of passengers and will later debit the relevant amount from your account cashlessly.

  • ​​​​​​​Do I have to book a new journey when changing trains?

    No. If you change trains or briefly stop your journey on route to your destination, you do not need to book a new journey. The same rules apply to BOB as they do for the SingleTicket: tickets/ticketoffer/singleticket/

  • What about return journeys within 90 minutes in Bremerhaven and Oldenburg?

    You don’t need to book a new journey here either if the return journey occurs within 90 minutes.

  • What does "best price of the day" mean?

    You ride, BOB calculates. For example, you book a SingleTicket for a single journey. If this is your only journey for the day, BOB will not charge you the regular SingleTicket price as the best price of the day, but rather the price of the cheaper 4x Ticket. If you book additional SingleTickets on this day, and their value exceeds that of the DayTicket, BOB will automatically not charge you the sum of the Single Tickets, but rather the cheaper DayTicket. You travel and BOB will automatically calculate the cheapest price for all regular journeys booked by you on one day. 

  • How does invoicing work with BOB?

    Along with your invoice, you will also receive a transparent and fully traceable journey overview. Invoice amounts of at least 10 Euros will be billed monthly. Amounts under 10 Euros will be billed quarterly. The trips made with BOB are recorded daily. The best price of the day is calculated based on 4x SingleTicket, DayTickets, 10x Pupils' Tickets (BSAG and BREMERHAVEN BUS), SingleTickets Child, BikeTickets and ShortTripTickets. It does not take into account First Class Surcharges (4x Tickets) or Extension Tickets, which are charged separately. Further optimisation to 7 Day Tickets, MonthlyTickets or the Deutschland-Ticket does not apply either.

  • How can I change my personal details or account details?

    If you wish to change your personal details or account details, please contact your local transportation company directly: Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG). They will also be able to help you with any other queries, e.g. relating to your contract, your charges or defective cards. 

  • Do I have to renew my BOB contract, and when does the new green BOB card get issued?

    The BOB contract does not need to be renewed. When your BOB card expires, your local transportation company will automatically send you a new one. This will be provided sufficiently in advance before the old card expires.

  • What should I do if I have lost my BOB card?

    A call to the 24h information service of VBN on 04 21 / 59 60 59 is sufficient to block the card. A processing fee of 10 euros will be charged for issuing a new card. Journeys saved after the card has been reported lost are not billed.

Do you have any more questions about the BOB App?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the BOB app. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • What can the BOB app do that the classic green BOB card can’t?

    You don’t need any machines in order to make a booking. Every ticket can be booked contactlessly anywhere, anytime for any mode of public transport within the VBN region prior to the journey. A detailed journey overview and contract details are available at any time. Additional digital partner cards can also be generated using the BOB app.

  • Does the best price of the day also apply to the BOB app?

    Yes. The journeys undertaken using the BOB Ticket are recorded daily. The best price of the day is calculated based on 4x SingleTicket, DayTickets, 10x Pupils' Tickets (BSAG and BREMERHAVEN BUS), SingleTickets Child, BikeTickets and ShortTripTickets. For example, you book a SingleTicket for a single journey. If this is your only journey for the day, BOB will not charge you the regular SingleTicket price as the best price of the day, but rather the price of the cheaper 4x Ticket. If you book additional SingleTickets on this day, and their value exceeds that of the DayTicket, BOB will automatically not charge you the sum of the Single Tickets, but rather the cheaper DayTicket.

    It does not take into account First Class Surcharges (4x Tickets) or Extension Tickets, which are charged separately. Further optimisation to 7 Day Tickets or MonthlyTickets does not apply either.

  • Can I use the BOB app and BOB card?

    You can use both options. The BOB app can be used as an addition or alternative to the previous green BOB card, allowing you to decide which option you want to use when on the go. The BOB app and BOB card are billed separately.

  • Can I book my journey with the BOB app in the vehicle?

    No. Unlike with the green BOB card, the BOB app requires booking the journey before entering the vehicle.

  • Can I take additional passengers or bikes with me when using the BOB app?

    Yes. Up to 9 adults and 9 children (aged 6 to 14 years inclusive), plus up to two bikes per journey, can be booked on each BOB Ticket and any digital partner card. Passengers are only allowed to bring a maximum of one bike along with them.

  • My mobile phone is inoperable – what should I do?

    If, for example, your battery goes flat before or during the journey, you must purchase a ticket via a different sales channel; otherwise you will be charged a higher fare during a ticket check. When using the BOB app, the booked journey must be constantly running on an operable mobile phone throughout the entire journey, and must be displayed to inspectors (if necessary handing them the phone itself) upon request. Simply showing screenshots or similar is not permitted. The BOB Ticket is only valid in the BOB app, and must be presented in the app.

  • What happens if the background system can no longer be reached or there is no internet connection?

    The BOB tickets purchased through completed order processes are also available offline in the BOB app, insofar as they are still valid.

  • How do I register?

    If you are a new customer, select "Registrieren", complete the form and send off the registration. The system will then check your customer details and forward them to your local transportation company (Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG)), which will send you an email asking you to activate the contract. Once this has been done via the button/link, you can log in to the BOB app and link it to a digital card.

    If you hold a classic green BOB card, select "Anmelden" and enter your existing contract details into the relevant fields. Once successfully registered, you will receive an email asking for your approval to link to your new digital BOB app. If you don’t have your contract details handy, contact your local transportation company.

  • How can other people use the BOB app via my contract?

    Use your contract details to log in to the other person’s end device and create an additional digital BOB card. The link must then be requested, and your local transportation company Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG) will receive an email to approve the link. Once this has been done, the other people can have full access to the BOB app.

  • How does the billing work?

    Invoice amounts of at least 10 Euros are billed monthly; invoices less than 10 Euros are billed quarterly. Invoices are payable at least two days after they have been issued and sent by post or email and are not debited before the 15th of the month. Objections or complaints must be lodged in writing with your local transportation company Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG) within six weeks. Delayed payments will result in the BOB app being immediately blocked from further use and, if payment is not received at all, the contract will be terminated without notice. If the monthly/quarterly debit cannot be effected, an additional processing fee of 4 Euros, plus the customary bank fees, will be charged for each debit that cannot be performed.

  • Can I contest my bill?

    Objections and complaints about bills must be lodged with your local transportation company Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG) within six weeks (see also §10 VBN transport conditions and fare regulations).

  • What do I do if I lose my phone?

    Lost phones must be immediately reported to your local transportation company (Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS oder Verkehr und Wasser, Oldenburg (VWG)). Alternatively, you can access the 24h information service of VBN on 04 21 / 59 60 59. The mobile registered via the BOB app will be immediately blocked for BOB. Journeys saved after the phone has been reported lost are not billed. The BOB ticket or the mobile phone registered via the BOB app may also be blocked at any time for other reasons. Registering another/new phone (digital cards) to use the BOB app is free of charge.

Do you have any more questions about the Deutschland-Ticket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the Deutschland-Ticket. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • What is the Deutschland-Ticket?

    The Deutschland-Ticket is a ticket that can be used on local buses and trains right across Germany. The Deutschland-Ticket does not apply on long-distance trains (IC, EC and ICE) or with providers such as FlixTrain.

  • Where can I get the Deutschland-Ticket?

    The quickest and most convenient way to obtain the Deutschland-Ticket is as a digital ticket in the familiar "FahrPlaner app" or in the "ABOS im VBN app". It can be applied for without separate paperwork in both apps. Once registered, the ticket is stored and displayed there. The ticket is also displayed offline in the apps. 

    Passengers who don’t want to load the Deutschland-Ticket to their mobile device, or who don’t have a mobile device, can contact the travel company responsible for them (only available in German). You will obtain the Deutschland-Ticket from there as a chipcard.

  • How and where can I get the Deutschland-Ticket if I don’t have Internet access or an email address?

    You can purchase a Deutschland-Ticket in person at the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG customer centre. 

  • I applied for my Deutschland-Ticket in time on the 10th of the previous month but have not yet received it. What should I do?

    If you have applied for your Deutschland-Ticket in time but have not yet received it, please contact the transport company you applied to directly.

  • How much does the Deutschland-Ticket cost?

    The Deutschland-Ticket subscription costs 58 euros a month, with a monthly cancellation option.

  • How do I pay for the Deutschland-Ticket?

    If buying from the VBN, only via SEPA direct debit.

  • Can the Deutschland-Ticket also be bought from ticket machines?

    No. As it is a subscription, the Deutschland-Ticket cannot be purchased from ticket machines.

  • I have a VBN SemesterTicket. Can I change to the Deutschland-Ticket?

    Yes, it is possible to buy a "Deutschland-Ticket Upgrade VBN-SemesterTicket" at a monthly price of ###9996### euro. This makes the VBN SemesterTicket into a Deutschland-Ticket.

    The ticket is only valid in conjunction with a VBN SemesterTicket and only in conjunction with a valid, official photo ID as proof of identity. The purchase is optional, i.e. students can buy the Upgrade-Ticket as an additional subscription if required. Like the Deutschland-Ticket, it can be cancelled monthly.

    The upgrade is available digitally via the free app "FahrPlaner" and "ABOS IM VBN".

  • Are there discounts on the Deutschland-Ticket for people on low incomes?

    No, unfortunately not at present.

  • How do I buy a Deutschland-Ticket for my child? And is there a special Deutschland-Ticket for children and young people?

    There is no special Deutschland-Ticket for children and young people. This means that children aged 6 and over can travel with a Deutschland-Ticket for ###9999### euros a month. Children aged 0 to 5 inclusive generally travel free of charge. 

    In the VBN, the Deutschland-Ticket for a minor child can be ordered as a chip card from the transport companies BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG. Here you order as a contractual partner for the underage ticket user.  

    As a mobile ticket, the purchase is possible in the app "ABOS IM VBN". To do this, download the "ABOS IM VBN app" onto the child's or young person's mobil phone and register. When purchasing the Deutschland-Ticket, click on the fact that you are the contracting party and are buying the ticket as the legal representative for your child. You then enter your own account details for the SEPA procedure.

  • How and where can I cancel my Deutschland-Ticket?

    If you want to cancel your subscription, contact your transport company. The subscription can be cancelled monthly by the 10th day of a month with effect to the end of the month. Cancellation in the FahrPlaner app takes place in the "Tickets" section or by confirming the ABO-Kündigen (cancel subscription) button in the monthly e-mail which is sent every time a new Deutschland-Ticket is issued by the VBN. If you want to cancel your subscription in the ABOS IM VBN App, you can do this in the app or via the online portal MEINE BSAG.


  • What does a monthly cancellation option mean for the Deutschland-Ticket?

    The Deutschland-Ticket can be cancelled by the 10th of each month to the end of the calendar month. There is no minimum term.

  • Can I cancel and repurchase a Deutschland-Ticket as often as I like?

    Yes, you can do that as often as you like.

  • Can I take other people with me free of charge using the Deutschland-Ticket?

    No, there are no rules allowing accompanying passengers. Children aged 0 to 5 can generally travel free of charge.

  • Can I take dogs with me free of charge using the Deutschland-Ticket?

    No. A relevant ticket based on the VBN fare schedule must be purchased if you wish to take dogs with you in the VBN area.

  • Can I buy a Deutschland-Ticket for my dog?

    No, you cannot.

  • Can I take bikes with me free of charge using the Deutschland-Ticket?

    No. A relevant ticket based on the VBN fare schedule must be purchased if you wish to take bikes with you in the VBN area.

  • Can I pass the Deutschland-Ticket on to someone else?

    No. The Deutschland-Ticket is personalised and therefore non-transferable.

  • Can I also use the Deutschland-Ticket to travel 1st class?

    No. The Deutschland-Ticket is only valid for 2nd class.

    Within the VBN area, a 1st-class surcharge can be purchased in addition according to the VBN fare schedule (at the ticket machines, in the sales offices and in the FahrPlaner app).

    The 1st-class surcharge does not apply on IC journeys between Bremen and Augustfehn.

  • Where can I travel to using the Deutschland-Ticket?

    The Deutschland-Ticket is valid on local public transport right across Germany. It cannot be used on long-distance trains (ICE, IC/EC) or special modes of transport (Flixtrain, tourist transportation).

  • Can I take the IC between Bremen and Norddeich using the Deutschland-Ticket?


  • Is the Deutschland-Ticket valid for a calendar month?

    We offer the Deutschland-Ticket for a calendar month and not for a period of 30 or 31 days. But it can still be purchased on the 20th of a month, for example, using one of the apps. In this case, however, it will ‘only’ be valid until the end of the month and will still cost ###9999### euro.

  • Is the Deutschland-Ticket also available as a JobTicket?

    The Deutschland-Ticket is also issued as a subscription to companies and public authorities. If the employer agrees to contribute at least 25 percent of the issue price (###9999### euros), a discount of 5 percent is granted.

  • Does the VBN mobility guarantee also apply to the Deutschland-Ticket?

    Yes, even with the Deutschland-Ticket, passengers are entitled to compensation under the VBN mobility guarantee if the delay at the destination is more than 20 minutes. The amount of compensation is 3 euro per guarantee case.

Do you have any more questions about the FahrPlaner app?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the FahrPlaner app. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to app(at)


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  • What are the advantages of the FahrPlaner (Trip Planner) and the Fahrplaner App?

    With the FahrPlaner you can use the central mobility platform in the northwest and around. The FahrPlaner for unlimited individual mobility: bus & train, park & ride and car sharing, bike & ride and bike sharing, taxi or footpath. Metre- and minute-by-minute for the VBN area, Lower Saxony, Hamburg, parts of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Germany-wide train traffic. 

    Including HandyTicket for all means of transport in the Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (VBN) and in the Niedersachsentarif, mobile at any time, from any place!

    Enter your journey using the addresses. In other words, ‘from door to door’ from start to destination.
    You will then be shown the timetable for the entire route with departure and arrival times for all means of transport in the selected period. You can make preselections to exclude certain options (for example long-distance transport, such as ICE/IC/EC).

    The FahrPlaner will suggest the most suitable ticket offers for your journey. The trip information tells you up to which (bus/train) station the respective ticket is valid. This allows you to see whether your train ticket includes onward travel (for example by bus or tram) to the destination station. You will be informed if you need an additional ticket to continue your journey at your destination, together with the fare information.

    If you click on the ticket offer, you will be redirected to the ticket shop where you can book a MobileTicket. If you are using the FahrPlaner via a website (for example, you can book and print an OnlineTicket on the Lower Saxony fare schedule in the ticket shop.

  • Which tickets can I buy online with the FahrPlaner App / the FahrPlaner (Trip Planner) as Mobile / OnlineTickets?

    Since May 2023, the Deutschland-Ticket can be subscribed to in the FahrPlaner App. In addition, the following VBN tickets can currently be easily bought as MobileTickets for trips in the network area:

    See the area of validity for the VBN: VBN area

    Currently, the following tickets of Niedersachsentarif can be easily purchased as online tickets (with the FahrPlaner) or as a MobileTicket (with the FahrPlaner App):

  • For which fares does the FahrPlaner (Trip Planner) offer price information?

    Price information is available for the following networks / fares / transport associations:

    • Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (VBN)
    • Transitional fare Southern Diepholz district - Nienburg / Rahden (more information: VBN)
    • Niedersachsentarif (for example Niedersachsen-Ticket, Niedersachsentarif)
    • ROSA Tarifverbund (ROSA)
    • Verkehrsgemeinschaft Grafschaft Bentheim (VGB)
    • Verkehrsgesellschaft Hameln-Pyrmont (die Öffis)
    • Verkehrsgesellschaft Landkreis Nienburg (VLN)
    • Verkehrsgemeinschaft Osnabrück (VOS)
    • Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig (VRB)
    • Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen (VSN)
    • Verkehrsverbund Warnow (VVW)
  • I have noticed incorrect timetable and/or real time data in the FahrPlaner. What can I do?

    Real time information is a forecast. Discrepancies cannot always be avoided. In the FahrPlaner we display the data that we have received from the transport companies. If you notice any incorrect information, please let us know using the Feedback form in the FahrPlaner App or by email to app(at)
    Please be as precise as possible about the trip (route, direction, starting point, departure time), the time and type of your query (Trip Planner, departure board or push notification). Thank you for your help!

  • I have noticed an error with the app functionality and/or I receive an error message from the app. What can I do?

    If you notice an error in the functionality of the app, please report it to us using the feedback form in the FahrPlaner app or directly by e-mail to app(at) Please provide as much information as possible about the error (e.g. screenshots), the app version (settings – app info), operating system with version (iOS / Android), device type and time when the error occurred. Thank you for your help!

  • Which operating systems is the FahrPlaner App available for and where can I download it from?

    The FahrPlaner App is available for devices with the Android (minimum Android 8) and iOS (Apple) operating systems. Here are the links to the App Stores where you can download the FahrPlaner App:

    Alternatively, the FahrPlaner (Trip Planner) is available as a web application at and

    For Android operating systems, we can also send you an up-to-date installation file of the FahrPlaner App on request. Please send your request to app(at) Please note that you may encounter problems with your Google Account and / or functional limitations, for example with the map display or with push notifications. We do not offer any support for this.

    Installation files for iOS operating systems are not available.

  • What authorisations (network communication) and accesses (contacts, camera, location) does the FahrPlaner App need? What will happen if I don’t agree?

    After installing the FahrPlaner App you can decide for yourself whether you want to permit the functions, and therefore the authorisations. On iOS devices and devices with Android 8 or higher, the individual authorisations can be permanently activated or deactivated in the Android system settings and are no longer queried before the installation of the app. On older Android devices, access to individual authorisations can be controlled manually in the app settings after installation.

    Access to your contacts is required for the function of taking addresses from the contacts as the starting point or destination in the FahrPlaner App Trip Planner.

    The authorisation for network communication is required to connect to the internet (WiFi/mobile data) to access timetable and real time data.

    The authorisation to "take pictures and record videos" (camera) is required so that you can use your own images as icons in “My Addresses”. This authorisation is also required for you to be able to use your own pictures in the “Feedback” form.  

    Based on your location, the FahrPlaner App shows you stops close by, journey options and News. For example, when searching for a start or destination, the location is used to suggest stops and points closer to the start or destination.

  • Can I save a trip in the FahrPlaner App to access offline?

    To be able to access a selected journey option without an internet connection, save it on your mobile phone. Open the trip you want, select a journey option and click on “Save”. You can then quickly find your offline trip in the “My Trips” menu item.

  • Why is the alarm I have set (trip alarm, commuter alarm) no longer available in the FahrPlaner App?

    Each alarm is valid until the next timetable change. You then need to set it again. Timetable changes take place at least once a year (mid-December), and more frequently for some companies.

  • How do I create a widget (save as a favourite on your phone's home screen) with departure information for stops/stations?

    You can use widgets on mobiles with the Android operating system. Create the widget using the functions on your device. The FahrPlaner widget shows you the current departure times with real time information for stops near you or your favourite stops.

Board, swipe, disembark, swipe. Ready for FAIRTIQ, the new and innovative eTicket app in the VBN!

All information on the award-winning Swiss app, and answers to your questions about free downloading, usage, payment methods etc., can be found on the FAIRTIQ website.

Do you have any more questions about the MobileTicket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the MobileTicket. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to tickets(at)


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  • What is the different between a MobileTicket and OnlineTicket?

    VBN and Lower Saxony Fare MobileTickets are available on the FahrPlaner App:

    • VBN tickets are currently available as MobileTickets for an immediate journey and not as OnlineTickets. 
    • Tickets of Lower Saxony Fare are available as Mobile and OnlineTickets in the FahrPlaner App and the Lower Saxony Fare Ticket Shop. OnlineTickets can be printed out as PDF files in the Lower Saxony Fare Ticket Shop before you start your journey.
  • How do I buy Mobile or OnlineTickets?

    To purchase a Mobile or OnlineTicket you must be at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity. 

    To buy a MobileTicket you need an internet-enabled mobile phone with an Android or iOS operating system and the most up-to-date version of the FahrPlaner App. You need an internet connection to download the FahrPlaner App from the app stores and to buy a MobileTicket. Costs are incurred when using a mobile data connection. 

    You can buy Mobile or OnlineTickets with a customer account that you create in the FahrPlaner App (in the “Tickets” menu item – head symbol at the top right), via the VBN website or in the Lower Saxony Fare Ticket Shop.
    It is also possible to Purchase as a “Guest” without registration if your pay using a credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay. 
    A customer account is ideal for regular purchases of Mobile or OnlineTickets. This means that you don’t need to enter your customer details every time you buy a ticket. You can also access and print out receipts, which is not possible for “guest” access. Please register with your personal data, create a password and select your preferred payment method (direct debit, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay).

    Various options are available for buying Mobile and OnlineTickets:

    Buying a MobileTicket

    • When buying via the “Tickets” menu item, select the MobileTicket you want and add the further details of your journey. 
    • When buying via the Trip Planner (start, destination), select the MobileTicket you want for your trip.

    Once the purchase process is complete, the MobileTicket is loaded directly onto your mobile phone. It is not possible to buy or save MobileTickets on conventional PCs, including laptops, etc. 

    Buying an OnlineTicket 

    • When purchasing in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH, select the ticket you want and add the further details of your trip.
    • When buying using the Trip Planner on the FahrPlaner ( or, select the ticket you want from the selection available for the journey.

    After purchasing in the Lower Saxony Fare Ticket Shop, you can download your OnlineTicket as a PDF and print it out. It is automatically loaded into the FahrPlaner App if you are logged into your account.

  • What do I have to bear in mind when I buy a Mobile or OnlineTicket as a guest without registering?

    When buying a MobileTicket as a guest, and therefore without a customer account, you can only access your MobileTicket on the device with which you bought the MobileTicket or to which you downloaded it. The payment methods accepted are PayPal, credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay. Please make sure that the MobileTicket is personalised. Otherwise, the data of the account holder from whose account the MobileTicket is purchased will be used. Sales receipts can only be accessed with a customer account. This means that sales receipts are not available for guest ticket purchases.

  • Is the Mobile or OnlineTicket transferable and can I also buy tickets for other people?

    Every Mobile and OnlineTicket is personalised and is therefore not transferable. However, you can buy Mobile and OnlineTickets for people who are travelling with you by entering the name of each ticket user during the purchase process. When the tickets are being checked, the valid MobileTickets must be presented together with the official photograph ID of the ticket user. For journeys with the VBN TagesTicket (VBN DayTicket) for 2 to 5 people and the Niedersachsen-Ticket for 2 to 5 people, the person who is entered as the first traveller and therefore the ticket holder on the ticket must always be present. And the names of the fellow passengers must be entered during booking for a Niedersachsen-Ticket. Children travelling with the party free of charge (up to three children between 6 and 14 years of age and all children under 6 years of age) do not need to be named. 

  • What does a Mobile or OnlineTicket cost?

    The current ticket prices of the Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen and the Lower Saxony Fares apply.

  • What payment methods can I use to buy the Mobile or OnlineTickets?

    You can pay very easily without using cash:

    • For registered ticket purchases (with customer account), by direct debit, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
    • For “guest” purchases without registration, by credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay. 

    Payment methods: 

    • If you pay by direct debit, the amount will be deducted from your bank account. 
    • If you pay by credit card (American Express, Mastercard or Visa), your credit card will be charged the appropriate amount. 
    • If you pay by PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, the payment method you have selected there will be charged the appropriate amount.
  • How does the SEPA procedure via Verimi work?

    The SEPA procedure via the Verimi ID service is a secure payment method that protects your bank details. Verification takes place via Bank ID, which ensures a fast and secure payment process.

  • Where will I find my Mobile or OnlineTicket after I have bought it?

    After you have bought it, your MobileTicket is loaded directly into your FahrPlaner App. The MobileTicket you have bought can be accessed via the menu item “Tickets” (also when you are offline). Please note that you have to remain logged into your customer account for this. After purchasing in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH, you can download your OnlineTicket as a PDF and print it out. It is also automatically loaded to the FahrPlaner App if you are logged into your account.

  • How do I get a sales receipt for my Mobile or OnlineTicket?

    Automated sales receipts are only available for Mobile and OnlineTickets that have been purchased with a customer account.

    You will find an overview of the MobileTickets you have bought in your customer portal. To do this, log in on the VBN website at Customer Login or in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif. Here, you can view and print out sales receipts for every Mobile and OnlineTicket you have bought. 

    There are no automated sales receipts for “guest” purchases. In this case, contact tickets(at)


  • Can I cancel or exchange a Mobile or OnlineTicket?

    Mobile and OnlineTickets of Niedersachsentarif can be cancelled before the first day of validity. After that, it is not possible to return or cancel them. Niedersachsen-Tickets and VBN MobileTickets are always excluded from return and cancellation. 

  • By when do I have to have bought a Mobile or OnlineTicket to have a valid ticket?

    • VBN MobileTickets are valid immediately when the purchase process is completed and cannot be bought in advance to become valid at a later date.
    • MobileTickets as Tickets of Niedersachsentarif can be purchased a maximum of three months in advance.

    Before entering the vehicle, the purchase process must be completed and the MobileTicket visible on the mobile phone display.

  • How are tickets inspected with a Mobile or OnlineTicket and what happens if my mobile phone’s battery is empty or I have lost my mobile?

    After the purchase process has been completed, the MobileTicket is available as a valid ticket offline under the “Tickets” menu item (condition: you must remain logged into your customer account). Ticket inspection is therefore possible without mobile phone reception. 

    Show the ticket inspector your mobile with the MobileTicket open in the display in the FahrPlaner App or the OnlineTicket as a printed PDF. Mobile and OnlineTickets are only valid in conjunction with an official photograph ID. 

    If the MobileTicket cannot be presented for inspection (because the mobile phone is not working or has been lost), this is deemed to be a journey without a valid ticket. An increased fare of at least 60 euros will be charged.

  • How can I change the payment method saved for buying Mobile and OnlineTickets?

    You can change your stored payment method in the customer portal. Log into the FahrPlaner App (menu item “Tickets” – head symbol top right) or on the VBN website at Customer Log-in or in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH.

    Once you are logged into the FahrPlaner App, use the “Settings” menu item to go to your “Ticket Settings”, where your stored payment methods are displayed. Now select your new payment method, enter the required data and save your entries. After saving, your previous payment method will be replaced. 

    On the VBN website in the Customer Login and in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH, enter the new payment data in the customer portal under “Payment Methods”.

  • What do I have to bear in mind when I get a new mobile phone or lose my mobile?

    If you change your mobile phone, you have to reinstall the FahrPlaner App. Your access remains unchanged and can be reached via the email address used to date and your password. Any MobileTickets that are still valid can be accessed via the “Tickets” menu item.

    If you lose your mobile phone, you should change your password immediately in the customer portal on the VBN website at Customer Login or in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH to prevent unauthorised people from buying tickets.

    The MobileTicket is not linked to your mobile phone number. You log in to the FahrPlaner App irrespective of the SIM card used and your personal settings and booked tickets are loaded.

  • How do I change the password for my customer account and how do I get a new password if I have forgotten my current one?

    You can easily change your password in your customer account either through the Fahrplaner App (menu item “Tickets” – head symbol) or on the VBN website at Customer Login or in the Ticket Shop of Niedersachsentarif GmbH.

    If you have forgotten your password, you can also reset it there and have a new password sent to you.

  • Why are the Mobile and OnlineTickets I buy debited by Logpay Financial Services GmbH?

    VBN commissioned Logpay Financial Services GmbH to process the payment transactions for the purchase of Mobile and OnlineTickets.

  • Who can access my data?

    We guarantee that we will handle your personal data that we disclose to the relevant service providers (eos.uptrade GmbH, Hamburg and LogPay Financial Services GmbH, Eschborn) with care  and only for the purposes of technical processing and accounting. The personal order data will be collected, processed and used in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). During the entire ordering process, all data is protected by a secure online connection between the ordering party’s device and the connected computer and the downstream systems connected to it. More information on data protection according to Articles 13 and 14 GDPR can be found at

Do you have any more questions about the VBN JobTicket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the VBN JobTicket. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • Are there different VBN JobTickets?

    Yes. There are two types: VBN JobTicket for adults and VBN JobTicket for apprentices.

  • What is the main difference between the VBN JobTicket for Apprentices and the VBN JobTicket for Adults?

    Since 1/9/2022, the VBN JobTicket for apprentices has been the same as TIM - the young season ticket. As such, the VBN JobTicket for apprentices differs from the VBN JobTicket for adults in terms of its validity (VBN area) and price (30 euros a month). All info about TIM here:

  • Where can I get the VBN JobTicket?

    To conclude a framework agreement for the VBN JobTicket, employers should contact one of the three subscription companies, BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG Oldenburg. This is where the processing and issuing of the ticket is agreed.

  • Can VBN JobTickets also be applied for individually?

    No. The minimum order quantity for one or more companies (customers) is 20 tickets.

    VBN JobTicket for apprentices: apprentices/trainees whose companies do not order JobTickets can apply for TIM – the young season ticket individually with identical conditions.

  • Who pays for the JobTicket?

    Each company has its own procedure for this. In general, all employees pay for their VBN JobTicket themselves, generally as a direct deduction from their salary. However, many companies do cover part of, or sometimes even the entire, the cost.

  • Is there a minimum contractual term?

    The framework contract between the company and the respective transport company runs for 12 months, and this is automatically extended for an indefinite time unless terminated.

  • Can employees also enter an existing contract during the course of a year?

      Yes. Employees can enter a contract during the contractual term, though they will be bound to the respective 12-month period of the base contract.

  • Do I have to select the route from work to home, or can I add an extra zone?

    VBN JobTicket for adults: You can freely choose the relevant fare zones in consultation with your employer.

    VBN JobTicket for apprentices: Valid for the entire VBN area.

  • Can I change the region for which my VBN JobTicket for Adults is valid?

    Yes. You can change the applicable region (fare zones, price levels) on the 1st of a calendar month, insofar as the employer has advised this to the relevant transport company by the 10th of the previous month.

  • When can I travel beyond the applicable region with the VBN JobTicket for Adults?

    VBN JobTicket for adults only: On weekends and public holidays, the VBN JobTicket for adults is valid across the entire VBN area, regardless of its usual validity (price levels). This also applies to the persons included as part of the accompaniment rules.

    Exception: The Dial-A-Shared-Taxi (AST)

  • How can I travel beyond the applicable region with the VBN JobTicket for Adults on working days?

    The ExtensionTicket enables you to book local transport beyond the specific applicable region at any time (see MIA).

  • I’m changing employers – can my previous employer cancel the ticket before the end of the minimum contract period (Adults and Apprentices)?

    Yes, if the employment contract between the JobTicket-holder and employer is ending. Otherwise, it is generally not possible to prematurely cancel individual VBN JobTickets.

  • How and where can I cancel the VBN JobTicket?

    Only employers can cancel the ticket. They are the contractual partners of one of the three transport companies BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG. Cancellations must be made in writing. The employer must advise the respective transport company of the cancellation.

  • How much does the VBN JobTicket cost?

    VBN JobTicket for adults: Depends on the price level chosen. All relevant info can be found here:

    VBN JobTicket for apprentices: A flat 30 euro a month, 360 euro a year.

  • Who can use the VBN JobTicket?

    The VBN JobTicket is person-specific and can only be used by the ticket-holder.

    VBN JobTicket for adults: The VBN accompaniment rules apply.

  • What are the VBN accompaniment rules?

    VBN JobTicket for adults only: An additional adult and up to four children aged 6 to 14 inclusive can accompany the ticket-holder within the relevant price level from 7 pm Monday to Friday, and all day on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

  • Is the VBN JobTicket available as a MobileTicket?

    Not currently.

  • What happens a VBN JobTicket gets lost?

    If managed by BSAG or VWG: Employers must immediately report the loss by completing the relevant form. A new VBN JobTicket will be issued for the rest of the ticket’s validity period for a processing fee of 10 euros within 3 working days of receiving the loss report.

    If managed by BREMERHAVEN BUS: The lost VBN JobTicket can be reported to the BREMERHAVEN BUS customer centres in person or by calling the 24h information service (0421/59 60 59). Once reported lost, the ticket will have a block placed on it and it will no longer be valid. BREMERHAVEN BUS will charge a processing fee of 10 euros to reissue the ticket.

Do you have any more questions about the Youth-LeisureTicket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the Youth-LeisureTicket. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • What are the requirements for the Youth-LeisureTicket to be valid?

    The youth leisure ticket is an offer for children and young people up to and including 20 years old. The monthly ticket is only valid with a registered name. An official photo ID must be carried at all time with a monthly or annual season ticket. Anyone who is caught with a ticket without a registered name during a ticket inspection must pay an increased fare of 60 euros. Proof of age must be provided on request.

  • How can I get the Youth-LeisureTicket as an annual ticket?

    Online at (only available in German) or in person in the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG Oldenburg customer centres.

  • How can I extend my AnnualTicket?

    The responsible transport company Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG, Oldenburg (VWG) writes to you 6 weeks before expiry of the annual season ticket. An application for an extension is sent with this letter. Obviously you don’t have to wait for the letter; you can go to your season ticket centre at any time and extend you season ticket there.

  • Why is the season ticket not available with monthly advance payment?

    For practical reasons, we decided to claim the costs for the Youth-LeisureTicket as an annual ticket in one sum.

  • Where can I buy a Monthly Ticket?

    The Monthly Ticket is available in the transport companies’ customer centres, private ticket offices, at ticket machines and from the bus drivers. It is not sold in the BSAG, VWG and BREMERHAVEN BUS vehicles. You can find a list of VBN ticket offices here: Ticket Offices.

  • I will turn 21 while the ticket is valid – how long will I still be able to use the ticket for?

    The ticket holder must not have turned 21 at the start of the validity period. If the ticket holder turns 21 during the validity period, the Youth-LeisureTicket (annual and monthly ticket) can continue to be used until the end of the validity period.

  • What happens if I lose my Youth-LeisureTicket?

    If you lose your annual ticket, you can apply for a new one. The new one costs 15 euros. This amount must be paid directly in cash in the customer centre without being prompted, or by bank transfer to the relevant transport company. The replacement ticket will be issued within 5 working days of receipt of payment.

    If the monthly ticket is lost, no replacement will be made.

  • Is the Youth-LeisureTicket available as a mobile ticket?

    No, the Youth-LeisureTicket is not available as a mobile ticket.

Do you have any more questions about the customer card for young people?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the the customer card for young people. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)

Kundenkarte für junge Leute

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  • Where can I get a customer card for young people?

    The easiest way (only available in German) is online at: or in person at the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG customer centres.

  • In what areas is my customer card valid?

    When the customer card is issued, it is issued for precise zones of the desired area of validity. The corresponding time ticket must be purchased for the same price level as specified in the customer card.

  • Do I have to live in the VBN area?

    No. Your residence in the VBN area is irrelevant for purchasing a customer card for young people.

  • Is there an age limit for pupils/apprentices?

    No. Anyone who can prove their status as a pupil/apprentice.

  • What is considered proof?

    Up to and including 14 years of age, application by a parent or legal guardian. For pupils from the age of 15, a valid certificate of attendance from school (confirmation of admission is not sufficient). For apprentices from the age of 15, a valid certificate (stamp) from the training company or competent vocational school. Students can present a valid enrolment certificate.

  • Do I need a biometric photograph?

    No. You can even take the photo yourself and print it out (everyday photo). The picture should be the size of a passport photo and not show any other person. 

  • How much does a customer card cost?

    The customer card is free of charge.

Do you have any more questions about MIA?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the MIA. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • How and where can I take out a MIA/MIAplus contract?

    MIA/MIAplus tickets are issued only through the customer centres of Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG), BREMERHAVEN BUS and Verkehr und Wasser GmbH (VWG) in Oldenburg.

    MIA can be requested online (only available in German): In addition, order forms for the MIA/MIAplus ticket are available from the three transport companies, BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG.

    It is possible to take one out starting from the first day of a month if the direct debit mandate has been received in the relevant customer centre by the 10th day of the previous month.

    In the BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS and VWG Oldenburg customer centres, the MIA/MIAplus ticket can also be issued on the spot retrospectively to the first day of the month and issued immediately. This has to be paid for in cash. The contractual term is 12 months.

  • How do I pay for MIA?

    An MIA subscription is valid for 12 months and the monthly amount is debited from your bank account by SEPA direct debit. The subscription will automatically renew for an indefinite period, unless cancelled on time. Alternatively, you can pay for 12 months in advance.

  • Which means of transport is MIA valid for?

    With MIA you can use all of the VBN means of transport within the fare zones/price levels that you have paid for (town and regional buses, trams and local trains).

  • Is MIA transferable?

    Yes. Your family members or friends can also travel with MIA.

  • What data does MIA store?

    The chip only saves your fare options (price level, fare zones and customer number); individual trips are not saved. MIA is fraud-proof and does not contain any personal data. The saved data can be viewed at “Display tickets” on the BOB machines.

  • How is the MIA ticket checked?

    If using regional buses, BREMERHAVEN BUS, VWG Oldenburg buses or BSAG buses in Bremen (after 8:00 pm) you have to show your MIA ticket to the driver when boarding at the front, or have the card checked by a reader. If using local trains or BSAG trams and buses, inspectors with the appropriate reader for chip cards check the tickets.

  • My MIA ticket cannot be read when checked. What should I do?

    If the MIA ticket cannot be read because of damage to the chip you will receive a new ticket in BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG Oldenburg customer centres. The old one will be destroyed to prevent abuse.

  • What happens if I lose my MIA ticket?

    Please block your MIA ticket immediately and get a new MIA ticket (for a charge of 10 euros). To do this, please contact your BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG Oldenburg customer centre directly or by telephone.

  • How can I change the area of validity of my MIA-Ticket?

    The validity area (fare zones, price levels) can always be changed as per the first of the month. In order for the change to take effect on the first day of the month, the application must be received by the relevant customer centre (BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG Oldenburg) by the 20th day of the previous month. The change is then made directly on the chip card. Customers who cannot come to a customer centre will receive a new chip card by post – usually within 5 working days. The new invoice amount will be debited from the time of the change.

    BSAG customers can also apply for the change online via the customer portal "MEINE BSAG" on the BSAG website.

  • How can I extend the area of validity of my MIA/MIAplus ticket for individual trips?

    If you want to make a trip with your MIA/MIAplus ticket within the VBN area but beyond its area of validity, you can do so with an ExtensionTicket.

    ExtensionTickets (irrespective of the price level) are available for a uniform price for adults as well as for children, schoolchildren, apprentices and students. They are available only as SingleTickets and entitle users to only one trip towards a destination. You may not return with the same ExtensionTicket. Furthermore, ExtensionTickets are not available to buy in advance and are valid only for immediate travel. An ExtensionTicket is valid for 4 hours from the time of purchase. ExtensionTickets cannot be exchanged or refunded.

    The people travelling with the ticket holder under the accompanying travellers regulations also each need an ExtensionTicket.

  • Is it possible to extend the MIA season ticket with the IC/EC surcharge?

    Yes, you have that option.

    Please note: The IC trains between Bremen Hbf and Augustfehn, stopping in Delmenhorst, Hude, Oldenburg, Bad Zwischenahn and Westerstede-Ocholt, can be used by VBN customers without payment of a surcharge.

    The IC/EC surcharges can be obtained from Deutsche Bahn. They are available as a mobile ticket at, as well as in person-operated sales at Deutsche Bahn. You can also view and print out the application here (currently only available in German language): Order form IC/EC surcharge season ticket

    Please note that an application for the IC/EC surcharges must have been received by Deutsche Bahn one month before the ticket starts to be valid.

  • Is MIA available as a mobile ticket?

    No, MIA is not available as a mobile ticket.

  • How can I end my MIA contract?

    Your MIA contract is extended indefinitely if it is not terminated. Termination must be made by the 10th day of the previous month either in writing to the relevant transport company or requested via the corresponding termination button at (available only in German). And the MIA/ MIAplus ticket must be returned to the relevant transport company (BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG) without undue delay. After the end of the contract, the MIA card is no longer a valid ticket.

    BSAG customers can also cancel their tickets online via the ‘MEINE BSAG’ portal on the BSAG website.

    If the contract is terminated prematurely within the first year of the contract – unless due to fare increases or major changes to the fare regulations and terms of carriage – the difference between the monthly price of the MIA/MIAplus ticket and the price of the relevant monthly ticket will be charged and debited for the last time for each of the completed months in the current year of the contract. If the termination is due to a fare adjustment, the difference will not be charged if the relevant transport company has received the termination by the 10th day of the previous month. After the first year of the contract, termination is possible at the end of each month. The difference to the monthly ticket will no longer be charged after the first year of the contract.

  • Who do I get in touch with if I have questions about MIA?

    You can get information from the following places:
    BSAG Customer Centre, Bremen

    BREMERHAVEN BUS Customer Centre, Bremerhaven

    VWG Customer Centre, Oldenburg

    VBN 24h information service: 04 21/59 60 59

Do you have any more questions about the VBN Mobility Guarantee?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the VBN Mobility Guarantee. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)

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  • Do the VBN Customer Guarantees still apply?

    No, the VBN Mobility Guarantee has replaced the VBN Customer Guarantees. This simplifies the number of rules and gets rid of the reasons for exclusion.

  • What services does the VBN Mobility Guarantee cover?

    The VBN Mobility Guarantee comprises

    • the (partial) reimbursement of ticket prices in the case of delays of more than 20 minutes and,
    • under certain conditions, the reimbursement of taxi costs up to 25 euros.

    Please refer to the Guarantee Terms and the other FAQs on the subject for more details.

  • When can I claim the Mobility Guarantee?

    The Mobility Guarantee takes effect whenever you travel by bus or tram/rail and arrive at your destination more than 20 minutes late. In the case of especially severe delays of more than 60 minutes, we reimburse the taxi costs up to a maximum amount of 25 euros. You can find the precise terms for taxi cost reimbursement here: Taxi Costs. The currently published information on the FahrPlaner are decisive for calculating the delay.

  • Which disruptions to bus, tram and rail travel does the Mobility Guarantee apply to?

    In principle, the Mobility Guarantee applies with no ifs or buts. Whether traffic jams, storms or strikes, you are always entitled to compensation. 

    But: If differences can be planned and therefore consulted in the FahrPlaner at least one day in advance, the updated timetable applies. In the case of particular disruptions due to strikes or storms, the entitlement to compensation ceases to apply from the second day of disruption only if information on the further cancellations/restrictions was published in the FahrPlaner on the first day.

  • Where does the VBN Mobility Guarantee apply?

    The Mobility Guarantee applies within the VBN fare schedule in the area covered by Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen. (see also: Which tickets does the Mobility Guarantee apply to?)

  • Which means of transport does the Mobility Guarantee apply to?

    The VBN Mobility Guarantee applies on local public transport buses, trams and trains in the VBN area as well as on the Intercity (IC) on the route between Bremen and Augustfehn. Connections involving the Dial-A-Shared-Taxis (Anrufsammeltaxi - AST) and the NightOwl buses are excluded.

  • In which cases are taxi costs reimbursed?

    In the following cases, the passenger is entitled to reimbursement of taxi costs up to a maximum amount of 25 euros:

    • The destination would have been reached with a delay of more than 60 minutes or not at all.
    • In the time between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am, the destination would have been reached with a delay of more than 30 minutes or not at all.
    • For wheelchair users: In the case of a defective boarding aid and an expected delay of more than 20 minutes at the destination.

    If there is an alternative means of travel with which the destination can be reached in less 60 minutes or 30 minutes, the passenger will not be entitled to the reimbursement of taxi costs. For train travel, passengers need a valid VBN fare schedule ticket to claim reimbursement of the taxi costs.

  • Do I have to pay for the taxi ride up-front?

    Yes, this means that you pay for the taxi ride and then make sure that you get receipt. It is important that you keep the original receipts and submit them with the application for reimbursement.

  • Can I make unlimited use of the Mobility Guarantee?

    No, the number of guarantee cases per customer is limited. A maximum of two cases per day will be considered. A maximum of ten cases will be reimbursed per calendar month. In the case of season tickets, the maximum that can be paid is the amount paid for the calendar month/7-day period.

  • When is the guarantee refused?

    VBN checks every guarantee case for completeness, errors and the justification. Among other things, applications are refused for

    • slight delays (20 minutes or less),
    • incorrect personal details,
    • incorrect journey details.

    In the case of incorrect and/or incomplete applications, the applicant may be connected as part of the check.

    Exclusion from the VBN Mobility Guarantee
    The VBN and its transport companies reserve the right to exclude customers from claiming the VBN Mobility Guarantee due to repeated deficient/incorrect applications.

  • Which tickets are covered by the VBN Mobility Guarantee?

    Only passengers with a valid VBN fare schedule ticket are entitled to claim the VBN Mobility Guarantee. All sales routes - purchase from the on-board crew or machines, BOB, MobileTicket, Fairtiq or DB Navigator - are considered.

    The following tickets eligible for reimbursement:

    • SingleTicket (Children/Adults); also individual segments of a 4x SingleTicket
    • 10x SingleTicket (Pupils/Adults); individual segments; only Bremen and Bremerhaven
    • ShortTripTicket; also individual segments of a 4x Single Ticket
    • CityTicket Delmenhorst
    • DayTicket
    • NightTicket
    • GroupTicket
    • 7 DayTicket (Pupils/Adults)
    • MonthlyTicket (Pupils/Adults)
    • CityTicket Bremen (Adults)
    • Seniors'MonthlyTicket Delmenhorst
    • Deutschland-Ticket, JobTicket as Deutschland-Ticket and Deutschland-Semesterticket (temporarily limited until December 31, 2025)
    • MIA/MIAPlusTicket
    • JobTicket (Adults/Apprentices)
    • TIM - the young season ticket (for self-payers)
  • Which tickets are excluded from the VBN Mobility Guarantee?

    Not all tickets that entitle you to travel in the VBN area are covered by the VBN Mobility Guarantee. The following tickets are excluded from the VBN Mobility Guarantee: 

    • Youth-LeisureTicket
    • BikeTicket
    • CityTicket for children, pupils, apprentices (Bremen)
    • TIM - the young season ticket, if issued by school authorities (replacement Pupils’CollectiveTime)
    • KombiTicket (Werder, concerts et cetera)
    • Tickets of the Lower Saxony Fare, also include the Niedersachsen-Ticket
    • Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket
    • DB City Ticket (contains the note "+ City")
    • Other local and long-distance transport tickets
    • Tickets of the Transitional fares
  • How high is the compensation?

    The levels of compensation are based on the type of ticket used and the price level. It doesn’t matter what means was used to buy the ticket (booking office, driving staff, ticket machine, BOB, MobileTicket, Fairtiq, DB Navigator).

    TicketPrice level 
    I, A, B or S
    Price level 
    C, D, E, F, G or H
    SingleTicket2 euros50 percent of the ticket value
    SingleTicket Child1 euro50 percent of the ticket value
    ShortTripTicket1 euro
    4x SingleTicket 2 euros50 percent of the ticket value
    4x SingleTicket Child    1 euro50 percent of the ticket value
    10x SingleTicket (Bremen, Bremerhaven)2 euros
    10x Pupils' Ticket (Bremen, Bremerhaven)1 euro
    DayTicket (1 to 5 people)    at least 2 euros, max. 7.00 euros, depending on the price level and number of peopleat least 3.10 euros, max. 11.80 euros, depending on the price level and number of people
    NightTicket2 euros50 percent of the ticket value
    CityTicket Delmenhorst1 euro
    GroupTicket (per person)1 euro50 percent of the ticket value
    Token with disabled pass1 euro1 euro

    If a season ticket was used for the trip, there will be a flat-rate compensation of up to 6 euros. The level of compensation is based on the price level.

    Deutschland-Ticket, JobTicket as Deutschland-Ticket and Deutschland-Semesterticket3 euros
    TicketPrice level 
    I, A, B, C, D or S
    Price level 
    E or F
    Price level 
    G or H
    7-DayTicket Adults and Pupils 3 euros4 euros6 euros
    MonthlyTicket Adults and Pupils, Bremen City Ticket and Seniors'Monthlyticket Delmenhorst (only price level 1)3 euros4 euros6 euros
    MIA and MIAplus3 euros4 euros6 euros
    JobTicket Adults3 euros4 euros6 euros
    JobTicket Apprentices3 euros3 euros3 euros
    TIM (not tickets issued by schools)3 euros3 euros3 euros

    Extension Tickets are reimbursed at a flat rate of 2.20 euro (adults) and 1.50 euro (children). First Class Surcharges are reimbursed at a flat rate of 1.60 euro. One of the aforementioned reimbursable base tickets is required for this.

  • Does the VBN Mobility Guarantee also apply for people taken along?

    Within the regulations on taking additional passengers, it is possible to take other people along with various tickets. You cannot apply for compensation for people taken along.

  • Does the VBN Mobility Guarantee take effect if the bus/tram was too full and waiting passengers were therefore not able to travel?


  • Where and how can I make an application?

    The following methods are available to you:

    • Online: The quickest and simplest way is the online guarantee form (only available in the German language).
    • By Post: Complete the guarantee form, enclose your ticket and send them both to:

      Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen GmbH
      - Servicecenter -
      Am Wall 165–167
      28195 Bremen
    • In the Customer Centre: You can hand in the completed guarantee form together with the ticket and, if applicable, the original taxi receipt at the VBN Service Center as well as at the  customer centres of BSAG in Bremen, BREMERHAVEN BUS in Bremerhaven, Delbus in Delmenhorst and VWG in Oldenburg.
  • By when do I have to submit my guarantee claims?

    The application for compensation must be made within seven calendar days. This period starts on the day after the incident.

  • How do I receive my compensation?

    You will receive the compensation in the form of a transfer. Cash payment is not possible. There will always be a justification for rejection of an application. 

  • When will I receive a reply to my application?

    We make every effort to process applications as quickly as possible. The guarantee claims will be processed in the order in which they are received. Processing will be completed within 14 days of receipt of the application. The transfer of reimbursement amounts takes place no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the application.

  • I have lost/no longer have my ticket, can I still submit an application?

    No, without a valid VBN fare ticket, you are not entitled to reimbursement under the terms of the VBN Mobility Guarantee.

  • In addition to the Mobility Guarantee, can rail passenger rights also be claimed?

    The use of the VBN Mobility Guarantee excludes the additional use of passenger rights for rail transport.

Do you have any more questions about the City Ticket Bremen for children and young people under the age of 18?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the City Ticket Bremen (for children and young people under the age of 18). If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)

StadtTicket Bremen

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  • Can I also apply for the City Ticket online?

    No. You can only apply for it in person in one of the Social Centers (Sozialzentren) of the Department of Social Services (Amt für Soziale Dienste).

  • I receive benefits, but don’t live in Bremen (I just go to school/my placement there). Can I then travel in Bremen free of charge?

    No. The City Ticket for children and young people under 18 is only issued to people who live in Bremen.

  • Is the City Ticket issued to me straight away?

    Yes. Initially, every child or young person is given a temporary ticket for 30 days. After processing, the BSAG sends the personal plastic ticket by post.

  • I am entitled, but haven’t applied yet - can I still travel for free?

    No. If you cannot present a temporary or final City Ticket, you have to buy regular tickets.

  • My ticket is still valid for a few weeks after my 18th birthday. Can I carry on travelling until it expires?

    Yes. As a maximum, the City Ticket for children and young people is issued until the end of the month in which the holder turns 18 years old.

  • When my City Ticket expires, do I automatically get a new one?

    No. A new application has to be made to the relevant Social Center. Again, you must bring the following with you:

    1. Current confirmation of receipt of benefits from the Office for Social Services or Job Centre
    2. ID card for each child/young person
    3. Passport photo: only if you want a new photo (the previous one is saved)
  • I am 18, but still a pupil or apprentice – can I still travel free of charge?

    No. From the age of 18, people receiving benefits must use the City Ticket for Adults. If I don’t receive any benefits, I can use the regular pupils’ fare tickets.

  • I have forgotten my City Ticket. Can I temporarily travel with a permit or my ID card?

    No. You always need your regular City Ticket. If you do forget it, you should buy a standard ticket instead.

  • Who can help me if something is not right on my City Ticket or if I lose it?

    The BSAG Customer Centre is responsible. There, for example, they can alter your name or issue a new City Ticket to you.

Do you have any more questions about the VBN DayTicket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about the VBN DayTicket. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • What is the VBN DayTicket?

    The VBN DayTicket is valid on the day of validation until 3:00 AM of the next day.

    A VBN DayTicket is available for one to five adults. Up to three children (6 to 14 years old) may travel free of charge on each VBN DayTicket.

  • From when to when is the VBN DayTicket valid?

    A VBN-DayTicket is valid from the start of operations until 3:00 AM of the next day.

  • Is the VBN DayTicket transferable?

    The VBN DayTicket in paper form is transferable, the VBN DayTicket as mobile ticket is not (mobile tickets are personalised and cannot be transferred).

  • Is the VBN DayTicket also available for children?

    In addition to the three children (6 to 14 years old) who can travel for free with an adult on a VBN DayTicket, one child can travel instead of each adult.

  • Can I take a dog with me using the VBN DayTicket?

    Instead of a child, you can bring a dog with you using the VBN DayTicket.

  • VBN DayTicket or NiedersachsenTicket? Which ticket is most appropriate when?

    If you are travelling within the VBN area, the VBN DayTicket is the better choice in terms of price.

    The NiedersachsenTicket is a ticket that is valid beyond the borders of the area and is thus not a pure VBN ticket. You can find more details here:

    Fare information about the VBN DayTicket can be found here: VBN DayTicket​​​​​​​

Do you have any more questions about general subjects?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about general subjects. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or send an email to info(at)


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  • Which price level do I need for my ticket?

    Finding fares is easy. Our FahrPlaner automatically calculates the required price level for you. Simply enter the desired connection and check the fare overview for the specified trip option. 

    Further, a valuable aid is the fare schedule: The schedule shows VBN’s transport district with the cities, districts and train and bus lines. Furthermore, the schedule is divided into fare zones based on the rule: one city or municipality = one fare zone.

    For the correct fare, simply count the fare zones you pass through on your trip to determine the price level. For trips within a single fare zone, Price Level A, or within a city with urban routes (Bremen, Bremerhaven, Delmenhorst, Oldenburg, Nordenham and Verden), Price Level I applies. For trips across 2 fare zones, Price Level B, and, across 3 fare zones, Price Level C applies, and so on. From 8 fare zones, Price Level H applies and will be valid for VBN’s entire transport district.

    Examples and special cases are provided by the schedule. For instance, Price Level S only applies to trips between Bremen and certain cities and municipalities in the regions directly bordering Lower Saxony. Trips to or from Bremen must include fare zones of Price Level S. 

    Further information is provided at

  • How are the prices for connections within Bremen calculated, or for travelling across Bremen?

    Fare Area 1 (Bremen) comprises fare zones 100 and 101. For trips within this fare area, price level I Bremen always applies, provided that the area is not left. For all other trips (from Bremen, into Bremen or through Bremen), fare zones 100 and/or 101, if you travel through them, are each counted separately when working out the price levels.

  • How long is a SingleTicket valid for? One direction? Return?


    For journeys to a destination, SingleTickets and parts of 4x SingleTickets are valid for 90 minutes when purchased or validated at Price Level I in Fare Area 2 (Bremerhaven) or at Price Level I in Fare Area 1 (Bremen), 3 (Oldenburg) or 5 (Delmenhorst, Nordenham, Verden), for 3 hours at Price Levels A or S, for 4 hours at Price Levels B – G and for the entire day at Price Level H until you reach your destination (until 3:00 AM on the next day). You may change trains and buses any number of times. Disruptions to journeys during the specified periods are also permitted. Roundtrips and return journeys are not permitted in Fare Areas 1, 4 and 5.


    A SingleTicket and parts of 4x SingleTickets of Price Level I can be used for any number of trips, i.e., including return journeys, for 90 minutes in Bremerhaven (Fare Area 2) and Oldenburg (Fare Area 3).

  • What do I do if the ticket machine is faulty?

    If neither a ticket machine was operational nor a ticket office open at the start of the journey, the train attendant must be visited immediately after the start of the journey and a ticket must be purchased. For connections within the VBN region, VBN tickets are issued in a limited range of tickets on local trains in these cases. On IC/EC trains, only Deutsche Bahn tickets are available - where applicable at the on-board price - in accordance with the tariff regulations of Deutsche Bahn AG.

    Alternatively, VBN tickets can also be purchased at any time via the FahrPlaner app, BOB app, FAIRTIQ app or the DB Navigator as a mobile ticket.

  • What do I do if the stamper is faulty?

    SingleTicket, 4-Tickets, DayTickets, NightTickets and, where applicable, other special tickets must be validated (where necessary). They can be validated as follows:

    a) When starting a trip on BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS, Delbus and VWG buses by using the ticket stamper in the vehicles or by using the stamper at the stop.

    b) When starting a trip on the regional bus routes, by the driver.

    c) Before starting a trip with Deutschen Bahn / DB Regio, evb, metronom, NordWestBahn / Regio-S-Bahn and start, by using the stampers in the station.

    If no stamper is operational in the entrance or on the platform when you are starting a trip, you must report to the train conductor, without being prompted, immediately upon joining the train and before tickets are checked. Otherwise, you may be liable to pay an increased fare of 60 euros.

  • Where is the ShortTripSingleTicket valid?

    The ShortTripTicket is valid on all bus and tram lines operating in the VBN area with the exception of the cities of Bremerhaven (Fare Zone 250) and Delmenhorst (Fare Zone 709/710) for a one-way journey between the boarding stop and a maximum of three further stops. It is not valid on the express bus and S tram lines within Bremen, nor on lines or sections of regional bus lines where considerable distances are covered between stops, for example if the journeys take you via the motorway. No exchange, no refund, non-transferable.

  • What is an ExtensionTicket?

    ExtensionTickets are available to holders of the following season tickets who want to travel beyond the validity of the ticket: MonthlyTicket, AnnualTicket (MIA/ MIAplus), Adult JobTicket, Pupil’s Monthly Ticket, CityTicket Bremen, Senior’Ticket Delmenhorst and BahnCard 100.

    Extension Tickets are available for a uniform price of  ###29875### euros for adults and ###29876### euros for children, school pupils and apprentices, irrespective of the price level. They are available in the vehicles and from ticket machines (not available to purchase in advance!) and as a mobile ticket, but are only valid for immediate travel and are available only as a single-trip ticket (SingleTicket). ExtensionTickets can also be booked with the BOB ticket (except: ExtensionTickets are available only from the following NordWestBahn and Regio-S-Bahn BOB machines: Wildeshausen, Brettorf, Ganderkesee (RB 58); Ahlhorn, Großenkneten, Huntlosen, Sandkrug (RE 18); Rastede (RS 3) and Berne, Elsfleth, Kirchhammelwarden, Brake, Rodenkirchen, Kleinensiel, Nordenham (RS 4)). The people travelling with the ticket holder under the accompanying travellers regulations also each need an ExtensionTicket. The ticket is valid for a trip within the VBN area to the destination for 4 hours from the time it was purchased, and only in connection with one of the above-mentioned season tickets. You are also permitted to break your journey within the stated time. The ExtensionTicket cannot be exchanged or refunded.

  • Can I take a dog with me and what does it cost?

    Small animals – including small dogs – are transported free of charge if they are transported in suitable carriers (transport boxes, travel bags, cages or similar).

    Dogs that are not transported in transport boxes must be kept on a lead. They will be carried if there is sufficient space in the opinion of the driver or inspection staff. The fare for these dogs is the fare for a SingleTicket for Kids or season ticket for school children in the relevant price level, 2nd class.

    It is prohibited to take dogs with increased aggression or dangerous dogs, so-called “fighting dogs”, on any public transport within the authority.

  • In which vehicles is smoking or alcohol prohibited?

    There is a general ban on alcohol and smoking on all VBN trains. It is also prohibited to carry alcohol in opened containers. There is a ban on smoking on all other VBN transport. In the event of a violation of the ban on alcohol and smoking, a penalty of at least 40 euros may be imposed. Furthermore, the passenger may be banned from travelling.

  • When do I have to pay an increased fare?

    The increased fare is 60 euros and is charged if the passenger

    1. has not bought a valid ticket for himself or – if the fare schedule requires a fare in this case – if he has not bought a valid ticket for any animals, bicycles etc. that he has brought with him,
    2. has bought a valid ticket for himself, but cannot present it for inspection,
    3. has not validated the ticket, or had it validated, or has not done so without undue delay or
    4. does not present the ticket for inspection on request and hand it over on request,
    5. shows a ticket which has not been stamped as required,
    6. uses a ticket without the required photograph,
    7. if using a mobile ticket, has not visibly downloaded a valid mobile ticket before the start of travel or cannot provide proof of purchase of the ticket during the inspection, e.g. due to mobile phone failure.

    If the passenger demonstrates to the administration of the company that issued him with a request to pay the increased fare within one week that he was in possession of a valid, non-transferable season ticket or mobile ticket at the time of the request, the increased fare shall be reduced to 7 euros.

  • Where can I find lost property?

    Please contact the transport company in whose vehicle you lost the property. Here is their contact information: VBN transport companies.

    If you lose something on a Weser-Ems bus, you can search for it online:

  • I have just moved to the VBN area. What do I need to know?

    How do I get my personal timetable and who will help me with any questions?
    The electronic timetable information enables you to compile and print out your personal timetable, taking account of criteria that are important to you.
    To timetable information

    Or just give us a call. Our expert staff will be happy to help you on 04 21/59 60 59.

    Which ticket is the right one for me?
    We have the right ticket for everyone. We have broken down our ticket range into tickets for adults and tickets for children, schoolchildren, apprentices and student. Good to know: Children up to and including 5 years of age can travel for free on VBN transport when accompanying an adult.
    To the Range of Tickets

    Where can I buy the tickets?
    Tickets are available in the buses, from the ticket machines, in the transport companies’ customer centres and in the VBN booking offices.
    To the booking offices

    How do I get home at night?
    There are of course many great places to party in the VBN area, or you can attend one of the many cultural events. Afterwards, the VBN night routes will take you home safely.
    To VBN at Night

  • What can I do with the tickets from previous years?

    The old tickets that you bought in previous years are not automatically invalid. For a transitional period, you can use tickets you have already bought as usual for bus and rail trips in the VBN area.

    Bought in previous years - valid for a maximum of 5 years

    • ShortTripTickets
    • SingleTickets (also First Class Surcharge)
    • 4x SingleTickets and 10x SingleTickets
    • DayTickets
    • NightTickets
    • Bicycle DayTickets
    • GroupTickets

    These tickets can be used for a maximum of 5 years after purchase.

  • How do I express praise or criticism, or make suggestions?

    This way to the feedback form: Feedback Form

Do you have any more questions about TIM - the young season ticket?

Here we have compiled the answers to frequently asked questions about TIM. If you have any more questions, please contact the VBN 24h service information on 0421 / 59 60 59 or your personal customer centre of BSAG, BREMERHAVEN BUS or VWG in Oldenburg.


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    TIM is an abbreviation that stands for ‘Täglich Immer Mobil’, or ‘Always Mobile Every Day’.


    TIM is for school pupils, apprentices and people completing voluntary service. 

    You are entitled if you attend one of the following schools according to VBN fare regulations Nos. 3.3.1 and 3.3.3: 

    • General schools (primary schools, basic secondary schools, intermediate secondary schools, high schools, comprehensive schools, special schools, grammar schools, school centres secondary stage I and II)
    • Vocational training schools (vocational schools, vocational colleges, commercial schools, technical secondary schools)
    • Full-time vocational preparation
    • Educational establishments for subsequently obtaining leaving certificates of basic or intermediate secondary schools
    • Educational establishments that are eligible for funding under the German Vocational Training Act
    • Voluntary service (Federal voluntary service, voluntary year)    

    Anyone outside the groups named above is not entitled to TIM (for example, au-pairs or participants in extra-occupational activities, students and students in dual studies receive the VBN SemesterTicket).


    For school students with permits to travel on school buses,  the schools will continue to issue TIM for them free of charge at the start of the new school year. In Delmenhorst, the TIM-Ticket can be applied for via the "Fachdienst Schule und Sport" of the city of Delmenhorst (application form here, only available in German).

    For school students without permits to travel on school buses, as well as for apprentices/trainees and volunteer workers, TIM costs 30 euros a month. The amount is taken from your account every month by direct debit. If you want to pay in cash, the annual amount of EUR 360 must be paid in one amount.

    TIM is available only as an annual subscription, not as a MonthlyTicket. Parents or guardians will be the contractual partners for minors. TIM needs to be applied for.

    Pupils, apprentices and people performing voluntary service whose entitlement ends during the term of TIM (for example, by ending the training) can continue to use TIM until the end of the 12-month period but will not be granted an extension afterwards.


    TIM is valid on local public transport trains, buses and trams within the VBN area, including all long-distance trains of Deutsche Bahn between Bremen and Augustfehn (IC) , all buses in the Rotenburg (Wümme) district as well as in the transitional fare in the southern Diepholz district.

    TIM is valid all year round without restrictions on all working days, weekends, public holidays and in all school holidays.


    The BSAG customer centre in Bremen, the VWG customer centre in Oldenburg and the BREMERHAVEN BUS customer centre are responsible for TIM applications, based on post code. To find out your local customer centre, enter your post code at You can also post your completed forms to the relevant subscription company. 

    The TIM application must have been received by the 10th day of a month so that the chipcard can be produced and delivered by the 1st day of the next month.

    In addition, TIM can be applied for via the app ABOS IM VBN or online via the “MEINE BSAG” customer portal on the BSAG website.
    In this case, an application must have been placed by the 20th day of a month so that the ticket can be used from the next month.


    People over the age of 18 must present a certificate from their school, training company or place of deployment. 

    The certificate must be signed by the school leadership, training leadership or management and also have an official stamp. Fraudulent certificates will not be recognised or will result in the cancellation of the TIM Ticket.


    During the first contractual year, generally not. After the 1st year of the contract, cancellation by the 10th day of a month with effect to the end of the month is possible.


    TIM is a personal ticket and is valid only for the person to whom it has been registered. It is not transferable; it is not permitted to take other people on the same ticket.


    Yes, the ticket can be used through a mobile device via the “ABOS IM VBN” app.


    People completing voluntary service (for example, Federal Voluntary Service, Voluntary Social Year, Voluntary Ecological Year...) can use TIM. People over the age of 18 must present a certificate from their place of deployment. There is no upper age limit.


    If you are under 18 years of age, the TIM contract will be extended automatically, if you are still entitled (for example, school). If terminated in good time, the contract will not be extended.  

    People over the age of 18 must present a certificate from their school, training company or place of deployment. It must be presented to the transport company that issued by the 10th day of the preceding month (in the case of BSAG, the proof can be provided up to the 20th day of the preceding month via “Meine BSAG” on the BSAG website). 
    A school certificate or a letter from an employer confirming the apprenticeship is the proof needed. For people performing voluntary service, the deployment sites must confirm the deployment and name the time period involved. 


    TIM is a personalised ticket with your name and photo on. For this is required an up-to-date photograph that is the size of a passport photo. Photocopies or poor-quality pictures are not recognised. An up-to-date passport photo is ideal. 


    School students with permits to travel on school buses must contact the respective school.
    School students without permits to travel on school buses, as well as apprentices/trainees and volunteer workers, must contact the transport company that issued the TIM ticket.

    In both cases, a new TIM ticket costs a one-time fee of EUR 15.

    Advance subscriptions for TIM cannot be replaced. 


    No, the TIM ticket is valid in 2nd class only. It is not possible to pay a surcharge and then travel 1st class.


    Yes. MIA customers eligible for a TIM ticket can cancel their MIA to take advantage of the cheaper TIM ticket.