Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.
Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr
Informieren Sie sich hier über aktuelle Fahrplanänderungen für den Zugverkehr und für den Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr, aufgrund von Baustellen und Umleitungen im VBN-Gebiet, die länger als 24 Stunden bestehen.
Bus- und Straßenbahnverkehr
Mobile for a whole calendar month. The transferable MonthlyTicket for adults: Mondays to Fridays from 7:00 pm, all day at weekends, public holidays, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve with the option to take an additional adult and up to four children (6 to 14 years old) with you. Also available as a Pupils’ MonthlyTicket (Schüler-MonatsTicket) (no option to take anyone else). Other MonthlyTicket offers in Bremen as CityTicket for recipients of basic subsistence benefits (StadtTicket Bremen) und in Delmenhorst as Seniors’ MonthlyTicket for people over 60 years of age (Senioren-MonatsTicket).
If the fare zones you are going to travel in are not stated on the MonthlyTicket, a customer card is required. You can fill out the application form and order a customer card here: Applications. The customer card number must be entered on the MonthlyTicket.
Valid for one person.
MonthlyTicket for adults:
From Monday to Friday from 7pm onwards and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, one additional adult and up to four children aged between the ages of 6 and 14 (inclusive) can travel with you free of charge.
MonthlyTicket for adults:
MonthlyTicket for children (6 to 14 years old), pupils, apprentices and students:
Area of Validity
Valid in all local public transport buses, trams and trains in the VBN area within the Price Level and fare zones that you have purchased. If you want to travel outside the area of validity of your MonthlyTicket, you can use an ExtensionTicket.
Period of Validity
Valid for one calendar month.
Fare Areas | Adults | Children, Pupils, Apprentices, Students | |||
Bremen1 Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | 78,00 | 56,00 | |||
Bremerhaven Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | 62,00 | 46,50 | |||
Oldenburg Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | 63,20 | ###21431### | |||
Delmenhorst Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | ###20432### | ###21432### | |||
Nordenham Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | 59,90 | 44,80 | |||
Verden Price Level I Zones Travelled: 1 | ###20434### | 44,80 | |||
Rest of the VBN area without or in conjunction with the above-mentioned fare areas2 | |||||
Price Level A Zones Travelled: 1 | ###20401### | 44,80 | |||
Price Level B Zones Travelled: 2 | ###20402### | ###21402### | |||
Price Level C Zones Travelled: 3 | 131,20 | 97,80 | |||
Price Level D Zones Travelled: 4 | ###20404### | 117,70 | |||
Price Level E Zones Travelled: 5 | 188,70 | 141,20 | |||
Price Level F Zones Travelled: 6 | 223,70 | 167,50 | |||
Price Level G Zones Travelled: 7 | ###20407### | ###21407### | |||
Price Level H Zones Travelled: 8 and more | 307,00 | ###21408### | |||
Area around Bremen = Price Level S3 Price Level S Zones Travelled: 2 | 83,20 | ###21410### |
All price information in euros for 2nd class
Comments on the fare areas
1. Price Level I (Bremen) = For trips in and between Bremen-City and Bremen-North, irrespective of the means of transport used.
2. Price Level A–H = The price for all other trips is based on the number of fare zones travelled through. If you are travelling within one municipality (fare zone), for example Worpswede, you will pay Price Level A for your trip. If you travel through two zones, for example from Zeven to Tarmstedt, Price Level B applies. For a trip through three fare zones Price Level C applies. You can travel through the entire VBN area with Price Level H.
3. Price Level S = For trips between Bremen and the immediate surrounding area in Lower Saxony, e.g. Bremen – Lilienthal or Bremen-North – Schwanewede.
From the age of 18 you are entitled if you are a recipient of basic income support for job seekers (Social Code Book II (SGB II)), a recipient of social security benefits (a subsistence grant in accordance with SGB XII Chapter 3 or basic support in old age or in the case of a reduction in earning capacity in accordance with SGB XII Chapter 4) or a recipient of benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers’ Social Security Benefits Act (AsylbLG) and you live in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. Persons who live in a residential institution and receive benefits in accordance with SGB XII are usually also entitled to a City Ticket.
Customer card
The City Ticket for Adults and the customer card belong together. You can get your customer card free of charge in one of the Social Centers (Sozialzentren) of the Department of Social Services (Amt für Soziale Dienste):
Amt für Soziale Dienste – Fachdienst Flüchtlinge, Integration & Familien
Breitenweg 29-33
28195 Bremen
Sozialzentrum Nord
Am Sedanplatz 7, 28757 Bremen
Haltestelle Gustav-Heinemann-Bürgerhaus
Sozialzentrum Gröpelingen/Walle
Hans-Böckler-Straße 9, 28217 Bremen
Haltestelle Lloydstraße
Sozialzentrum Mitte/Östliche Vorstadt/Findorff
Rembertiring 39, 28203 Bremen
Haltestelle Rembertistraße
Sozialzentrum Süd
Große Sortillienstraße 2–18, 28199 Bremen
Haltestelle Westerstraße
Sozialzentrum Vahr, Schwachhausen, Horn-Lehe
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 27/27a, 28329 Bremen
Haltestelle Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße
Sozialzentrum Hemelingen/Osterholz
Pfalzburger Straße 69a, 28207 Bremen
Haltestellen Föhrenstraße und Weserwehr
Don't forget your photo!
Area of Validity
The City Ticket is valid for one calendar month in buses, trams and local trains on the territory of the municipality of Bremen (Fare zones 100 Bremen and 101 Bremen-North). For trips beyond the area of validity, an ExtensionTicket must be purchased. From Monday to Friday from 7pm and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, one additional adult and up to four children between the ages of 6 and 14 (inclusive) can travel with you. The City Ticket for Adults is not transferable and is only valid in conjunction with the customer card.
The City Ticket (StadtTicket) is free of charge for children and young people under the age of 18.
Entitled are children and adolescents of parents who receive basic income support for job seekers (Social Code Book II (SGB II)), social security benefits (a subsistence grant in accordance with SGB XII Chapter 3 or basic support in old age or in the case of a reduction in earning capacity in accordance with SGB XII Chapter 4) or benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers’ Social Security Benefits Act (AsylbLG) and have their residence in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.
Children and young people under the age of 18 receive the City Ticket free of charge upon request. The application is available in one of the Social Centers (Sozialzentren) of the Department of Social Services (Amt für Soziale Dienste) and can be submitted there:
Amt für Soziale Dienste – Fachdienst Flüchtlinge, Integration & Familie
Breitenweg 29-33
28195 Bremen
Sozialzentrum Nord
Am Sedanplatz 7, 28757 Bremen
Haltestelle Gustav-Heinemann-Bürgerhaus
Sozialzentrum Gröpelingen/Walle
Hans-Böckler-Straße 9, 28217 Bremen
Haltestelle Lloydstraße
Sozialzentrum Mitte/Östliche Vorstadt/Findorff
Rembertiring 39, 28203 Bremen
Haltestelle Rembertistraße
Sozialzentrum Süd
Große Sortillienstraße 2–18, 28199 Bremen
Haltestelle Westerstraße
Sozialzentrum Vahr, Schwachhausen, Horn-Lehe
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 27/27a, 28329 Bremen
Haltestelle Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße
Sozialzentrum Hemelingen/Osterholz
Pfalzburger Straße 69a, 28207 Bremen
Haltestellen Föhrenstraße und Weserwehr
Bring along:
The City Ticket for children and young people is sent by Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG).
Area of Validity
The City Ticket for children and young people is valid for half a year or a whole year in buses, trams and local trains on the territory of the municipality of Bremen in and between fare zones 100 (Bremen) and 101 (Bremen-North). For trips beyond the area of validity, an ExtensionTicket must be purchased.
You will find more questions and answers on the City Ticket Bremen for children and young people under the age of 18 here on our FAQs page.
Area of Validity
Valid in the fare zones 709 (Heidkrug) and 710 (Delmenhorst). You can use an ExtensionTicket if you want to travel beyond the area of validity of your Seniors’ MonthlyTicket Delmenhorst. You can find more details here: ExtensionTicket.
Period of Validity
Valid for one calendar month.